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Would you like to find out more about our services for you, your family or your company? We look forward to hearing from you.

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The ball is in your court

Arrange your free ACTUAL analysis now

Start actively working on your financial future today by taking the initiative and booking a free initial consultation. Let us define your goals together and develop a customized solution concept.

Your way to us - How does a collaboration work?


Appointment request

You take the initiative by making initial contact and booking a free initial consultation. You then answer relevant questions so that our experts can adequately prepare for the subsequent personal meeting with you.


Preliminary talk

In this phone call, we will understand your concerns in a broader context. In this way, we can already address your individual needs in the first consultation and provide an initial assessment of possible solutions.



This is where we lay the foundation for our collaboration. Through a fundamental analysis of your asset situation and current situation, we can show you initial solution structures on which we then develop a far-reaching concept, individually tailored to you. You decide whether this joint elaboration takes place in a pleasant personal atmosphere at our offices in Liechtenstein or conveniently via video conference.


Long-term cooperation

Based on your individual situation and personal and financial goals, we not only develop customized national and international solution concepts, but are also happy to provide you with long-term support in your further development and look forward to helping you build a successful future.


What our customers say

We are your contact from Liechtenstein for international cooperative solutions.


Your questions, our answers

Discover answers to frequently asked questions about our services. Find out more about our offerings and how we can help you pursue your financial interests.

How do we advise ?

Individuality: We provide you with individual and customized advice based on your motives and goals.

Clarity and closeness: Thanks to our transparent and personalized consulting approach and close cooperation with you, we ensure that you are always fully informed and up to date with the latest developments. We strive to present complex issues as simply and comprehensibly as possible.

Holistic: We advise you at the interface of family, company and assets, design simple and comprehensible structures for effective handling of your concerns and rely on cooperation and a premium network to offer you the best possible solutions.

Especially in this decade characterized by uncertainty and change, the legally secure protection of assets and their preservation for future generations is more acute than ever. Dangers and risks to your assets can be effectively minimized through targeted asset structuring. Precautionary management of your assets offers you the opportunity to take preventive measures not only to effectively protect your assets, but also to increase them.

Assets are exposed to a variety of risks, some of which are very specific:

  1. Entrepreneurial liability risk
  2. Arbitrary access by third parties
  3. Economic instability
  4. Political arbitrariness - up to and including divestment
  5. Estate disputes
  6. Conflicts within the family

Each structure offers different advantages depending on its design. Our strength lies in identifying the most suitable structure for you from the wealth of possibilities and designing it in detail. We utilize the advantages of German and Liechtenstein foundations as well as cooperatives, among others  - but also Liechtenstein life insurance companies.  In addition to national solutions, we are also happy to show you international solutions that we can implement together with you and our network of experts.

We see ourselves as a partner at your side, supporting you every step of the way and helping you to achieve long-term financial security and prosperity. It is important to us that you are fully informed and understand the steps we are taking together to achieve your goals. Therefore, we are in regular contact with you to discuss developments and ensure that our strategy meets your current needs.

In the context of European competition, not only tax aspects are decisive for the choice of legal entity, but also corporate law aspects. Your long-term goals are at the forefront of the individual choice of legal entity. The options must therefore be determined objectively.